About PB Athletics

Why the bags were made:  These bags were created by two brothers who have served as youth football coaches.  Coaching is a very rewarding experience: It lets you have a tremendous influence by teaching and developing young athletes, not only in the sport they are playing, but also in everyday life, and in creating lasting memories.  

Every day at practice, the coaches noticed that their athletes would arrive with multiple small individual plastic bottles which was not enough water to last them. Athletes would also arrive carrying so many items; helmet and shoulder pads, a backpack, cleats, jersey, gloves, cell phone, headphones, small plastic water bottles, etc. Most of the players would drop things on the ground, making the practice area a mess.

Seeing this happen day after day, these coaches took it upon themselves to bring a large cooler and have the athletes refill their smaller containers at each water break to ensure sufficient hydration. Beside that distraction, there was rampant disorganization in the practice area and on the sideline. It was not very efficient, and it became potentially dangerous with so many items scattered around.  


How the bags were made: These two coaches thought, "There needs to be a way to have athletes stay organized and allow them to make sure they bring enough water to practice."

With that in mind, the coaches started sketching out ideas and creating prototypes that they thought could help these young athletes stay properly hydrated and improve their organization. 

About these bags: They are designed to accommodate a 1/2-gallon water jug, and carry all of the items an athlete would typically need for a workout, practice or a game. They are constructed of high-quality materials and strategically engineered to hold the weight of these items while still being convenient to the player, and allowing that player to stay comfortable.

In today's "hands-free" society, the bag allows the athletes to place all of their items in the bag and either use only one hand to carry it, or to simply use the shoulder strap instead, allowing both hands to remain free.